Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Tom Mackenzie - Inergy Mind Spa Member

"What I like best about the Mind Spa is that, I feel better, more refreshed, and reenergized. It keeps my stress levels in check. I often leave here ready to take on the world."
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Tom MacKenzie, of Kamloops, BC owns a successful business in the forestry industry. A hectic, busy, and stressful life comes with the territory. Aside from his business, home life, like many of us, has its own demands and challenges. Balancing the two is something he has always strived for. Read how his lifestyle and needs fit in perfectly with what Inergy has to offer:
As the owner of my own business, the demands are never ending. Lately, the pace I run at has been so fast that I don’t get to decide the pace… it decides my schedule. Prior to Inergy, I would attempt to find solutions for relaxation, but none were ever really successful. Now, as an Inergy Mind Spa member, I have a place to go to get refocused. It’s a facility that allows you to control your stress… where you can come and put things back in perspective. I first experienced Inergy at their Open House. My reaction – “Holy Cow!” Even while demoing a session in a room filled with visitors and chatter, I was in total relaxation. I was impressed. The facility is first class and the session I tried was exactly what I hoped for. I have learned more about myself and understand how I operate. My awareness of my thought patterns has increased allowing me to know how to react to my reactions. I’m more predictable now. The Inergy Mind Spa has helped me get under control – it keeps me in line and gives me more patience. The Mind Spa is great because I can continue to practice and master what I want to achieve. What I like best about the Mind Spa is that when I leave the center, I feel better, more refreshed, and reenergized. It keeps my stress levels “in check.” I often leave here ready to take on the world! While I know I would benefit even more from one of their specialized programs, my schedule right now doesn’t allow for it. At this time, the Mind Spa is perfect for me, because it fits in with my unpredictable and busy schedule. It’s convenient and easy. On a hectic day, all I need to do is call up on short notice or just drop in and know that I’ll get taken care of. I believe in the results of the Mind Spa so much that I recommended to my wife that she start a program, which she has. I can’t wait for her to benefit as much as I have.
Tom MacKenzie
Kamloops, BC