Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Shirley Miller - Thinergy Weight Management

"I've learned that I can still enjoy food and not have any anxiety about it. Inergy's ideas were great, the ideas worked, and the weight came off."
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Shirley Miller of Chase, BC is an example of an individual of who has been able to make real and genuine changes in her life. She, like many other members, started the 3-month Thin Skills program to lose weight, but in addition found herself benefiting in so many other areas. Read what she has to say:
When I first came to Inergy, my goal was to lose a few pounds. I never realized that I would not only lose the weight, but gain so many other benefits for my life. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical before starting my 3-month Thin Skills Weight Loss program. I was scared of being “controlled.” Little did I know, that I was the one who was in control throughout the whole process. Through my program, I became more relaxed and just enjoyed the feeling of coming here. I knew I had the abilities to accomplish what I wanted… I just wasn’t doing them yet. I didn’t need to lose a lot of weight, just a few pounds. I was successful at losing 10 pounds, which I am extremely happy with. The “NewTrition” classes helped me improve my eating habits. Now, I eat the right things, not because I have to but because I have trained my mind that I want to. I remember stocking my fridge “for company” and then found myself eating it all. I no longer buy unhealthy foods. In fact, I find foods like noodles, French fries, chips, and bacon (foods that used to tempt me) repulsive. I also have the motivation to exercise more. I’m drinking more water, controlling my portion sizes, and have eliminated diet drinks. I’ve learned that I can still enjoy food and not have any anxiety about it. Inergy’s ideas were great, the ideas worked, and the weight came off. By changing my eating habits, I have stabilized my blood sugar and have more energy. What I didn’t expect, was to get so much clarity in other parts of my life. Inergy has allowed me to enjoy myself more. I’m not so hard on myself. I’m more reasonable and sensible. Before Inergy, I used to shoot my mouth off and couldn’t stop. Now, I’m more in control and think before I speak. In dealing with some frustrating family affairs, I can more easily let go and forgive. I even find I sleep better. Another great benefit is that I no longer procrastinate. I deal with situations right away, whereas before, I would let them linger. I spend part of my time teaching kids to read. I find that I am having more fun with them and can get my message across in a lighthearted way, instead of being so serious. Thanks, Inergy for helping me make so many significant changes in my life!
Shirley Miller
Kamloops, BC