Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Rod Archibald - Sensible Sleep

"I am pleased to say that I am obtaining a solid 6 to 8 hours of sleep along with the occasional catnap. My friends say I am a totally new person."
Everyone knows that staying healthy is a key part to one’s game plan of life and that along the way it is inevitable to have some down time due to the flu, injuries or other factors; sleep being one that many of us can directly relate to. For Rod Archibald of Kamloops, BC it was not uncommon to go a few days at a time without sleep or only obtain 3 to 4 hours of sleep a day with a solid 12+ hours of sleep occurring every other week. At his lowest point he was getting less then 16 hours of sleep a week. While the body is a wonderful mechanism, the fact remains that it does need its downtime to repair and rejuvenate. Read his story.
I am not sure exactly when my sleeping issues began, yet I do know they started with a few days, which extended slowly into months, and then it just became a part of my life. Deprived of a normal sleeping pattern it progressively began to affect my overall energy level, which ultimately cascaded into my work, and then finally into my personal life. Being self-employed, I was able to limit my workload to those days that I was feeling energetic; which were few and far between. My personal life was another story. I retracted myself from physical activities and distanced myself from my relationship, my friends and family to mask my inability to mange or focus effectively due to running on an empty tank; all of which had a destructive downward spiral effect on both my mental and physical states of health. I began to question my existence becoming a void full of emptiness and I was at a loss for a solution.
I am a very private person and like most find it hard to ask for help, yet when I do push my pride aside and extend my hand out for help, family and friends know that I am at that point where I honestly require it. So when I told my mother, who always seems to have the answers in my times of need, that I had not slept in over 6 days and that this was a reoccurring event, she not only suggested Inergy but physically drove me too Inergy that day; that was Friday December 2, 2005.
From day one of my Sensible Sleep program, the team at Inergy displayed an understanding and professionalism to both my sleep issues and my state of well-being at the time. They realized that I was not fully myself and took the time to explain the processes of sleep related issues and were able to notice and work within my comfort zone, which was limited at first. The first week I was scheduled to simply listen to a compilation of CD selections Inergy refers to as accelerations as the internal and external reasons behind my sleep issues became evident. With each visit, and as I progressed, the Inergy team matched my efforts by providing me with the knowledge, mental tools and mechanisms to assist in me in achieving my definitive goal of sleep.
Today is March 1st, 2006, twelve weeks since I first walked into Inergy. I am pleased to say that I am obtaining a solid 6 to 8 hours of sleep along with the occasional catnap, which I enjoy on those days that I have the time between my work (which is very productive these days), my workouts and the various activities and time spent with my family, friends and new relationship in my life. My friends say I am a totally new person.
Having made such significant changes, I now know that each of us has it in ourselves to achieve phenomenal results and sometimes all it takes is a push in the right direction. Inergy will push you in the right direction; the rest is up to you… believe me, you are worth the effort.
I would like to extend a personal ‘Thank You’ to the entire Inergy team.
Rod Archibald
Kamloops, BC