Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Michael Forhan - Mind Spa Member

"Inergy literally provides a real vehicle that actually esteems you to focus on your very core desires."
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Michael Forhan is a former Corrections and Probation Officer who wanted to do what many of us desire and that is to create a more purposeful life. Well versed in counseling and psychology Michael has some very insightful comments on his Mind Spa transformation. Read what he has to say:
Hello, my name is Michael Forhan and as a member of the inergy mind spa I can’t say enough about the marvelous experience it’s been for me to discover an actual vehicle that works. Always one to search out a better way, I recognized the unique and empowering nature of the Mind Spa way of life. Intrigued by the initial ads in the paper I decided to explore the center. Once there I was invited to “test drive” the services and quickly realized that I’d finally found a genuine tool that could improve my quality of life. I believe at a core level we all genuinely want to be better people and when I heard the content of the sessions I immediately knew that this was not only empowering but effective. Being able to come as often as I wanted I recognized the practicality and authenticity in the intent Inergy has engineered into every process. This concept is real. It delivers the esteeming inner energy it claims to provide and know this to be true to my very core. I personally have found myself chiseling away at inner negative blocks that have held me back for years. The interesting part is that I never realized that I hadn’t fully dealt with these blocks and now I am more confident in me and my abilities to change my own personal perceptions and beliefs about my unlimited future. As I’ve said in the past, “life isn’t finished and never will be.” With Inergy I look forward to focusing my inward and external efforts on what genuinely makes me more whole and satisfied than ever before. Having gained a new level of personal control at a deeper level has really helped me esteem myself in ways I never considered possible. That’s what’s been so fulfilling for me as a member. In that, Inergy literally provides a real vehicle that actually esteems you to focus on your very core’s desires. With greater awareness, I am now clearly directing myself to move forward in a new direction, and feel more empowerd to achieve those objectives. Yes. The Inergy Mind Spa delivers results. I am more than pleased to refer anyone to participate. As a matter of fact, I strongly suggest that you do a test drive and discover how easy it is to truly improve your way of life, as I have.
Michael Forhan
Kamloops BC