Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Don Davies - StressLess

"Before, I used to worry about the future - now I'm able to live life more fully with no fears. I can't say enough about how Inergy has helped me strengthen my spirit. I would recommend Inergy to anyone who is looking to achieve the same fulfilling results that I have."
Over the last year and a half, Don Davies of Kamloops, BC has made some major strides in his life. Having already lost 40 pounds and recovering from alcoholism, he found benefit in yoga meditation and Tai Chi. It only made sense that he continue his wellness journey through Inergy. Read how he’s been able to take his life to the next level:
When I first came to Inergy, I really didn’t know what to expect. What I did know was that I was looking to calm my mind… to slow it down. My head had a way of “racing.” My free evaluation only confirmed that their StressLess Living program was for me. It didn’t take long for me to feel immediate change. It was either my first or second appointment where my beliefs were confirmed… the only way to describe the transformation experience that was taking place was “incredible and powerful.” Two weeks into my program I had already achieved an overall lifestyle change. I had achieved that calmness I was looking for. I was able to open myself up spiritually, and put me in control. I started to become more aware of my overall health and eating habits. I also find that I have a more level head. I can deal with situations with more level thinking, particularly stressful family situations that I would have solved with alcohol in the past. I can now control my actions by assessing the consequences first. Most importantly, my program has helped me be more open and successful with my program in recovery. After recently celebrating my 32nd wedding anniversary, my wife turned to me and said, “I sure like the new Don.” I particularly enjoyed the coaching sessions at Inergy since they helped me live in the now and to appreciate my progression. Today, I am comfortable with who I am, which I know will carry me into the future. Before I used to worry about the future — now I’m able to live life more fully with no fears. I can’t say enough about how Inergy has helped me strengthen my spirit. I would recommend Inergy to anyone who is looking to achieve the same fulfilling results that I have.
Don Davies
Kamloops, BC