Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials

Kathleen Wilson - Thinergy Weight Management

Kathleen Wilson - Inergy Mind Spa Centers

"The philosophy of Inergy's program is so positive. I am not even done my program yet and I am already one-third of the way to my weight loss goal and have dropped five dress sizes!"

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We all know how to lose weight – eat less and move the body, right? For Kathleen Wilson of Kamloops, BC, this was easier said than done. Which is why so many individuals are discovering the real truth about diets – they don’t work. Kathleen was looking for a new attitude towards food and eating so that she could quit the punishment of diets. Read how she’s been able to put her mind in control to get her body to work the way it needs to work:

When it came to losing weight, I had learned and done it all — yo-yo diets, medications, self-help groups… you name it… I tried it. Guess what? None of them worked… they only gave me undesirable side effects. I came to a point where I thought, “this is stupid,” enough is enough. When I first learned about Accelerated Change technology, I was at my highest weight and was depressed. I was being prescribed more and more medications to treat my symptoms, which only gave me a sense of failure, feeling as though I couldn’t do this on my own. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. But the last kick in the teeth was being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about 5 years ago. Needless to say, I was extremely out of control. Within minutes of talking with my evaluator, I knew I could do this. The philosophy of Inergy’s DesThiny Weight Management program is so positive. I am not even done my program yet and I am already one-third of the way to my weight loss goal and have dropped five dress sizes! What I didn’t expect was for the program to open up such a new world for me. I have been able to get in control of other issues I was dealing with aside from weight loss. Being part of the “sandwich” generation, my stress levels for the past 10 to 15 years have been extreme — it seemed like everyone around me was dying. I had spun out of control into a mind numbing depression that led to sleepless nights and more medication. Thankfully, it has been phenomenal to come to Inergy. There is so much information they provide and in a way that is straight forward – no mumbo jumbo. What Inergy does, is not magic. The answers to my struggles lay within me. All I needed was the knowledge to make the right choices. Inergy allows me to practice the skills I need to know. There is no “have to” at Inergy. Their approach is so positive and the accountability process in the Coaching sessions is very appealing. Now, I can enjoy food and not feel bad. I’ve been able to manage my diabetes by diet and exercise alone, which has been a blessing as I was having side effects from the medications the doctor had prescribed to control my blood sugar levels. It doesn’t matter how bad of a situation I get myself in, I’m now in control and know how to regroup and implement the techniques to face whatever challenge I have. I find great joy in discovering that there is a place for me to go to learn the skills of using my whole mind. I can’t say enough about the support of the program and staff. It makes a big difference knowing that someone cares. Inergy is a tremendous solution!

Kathleen Wilson
Kamloops, BC