Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
LJ Lawson - Healthy Mind Healthy Heart

"The best thing I enjoy about the Mind Spa is that I know it's a place I can go if I know I'm having a challenging day. It's a solution for clearing the mind and getting relaxed and recharged."
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Laura Jane (L.J.) Lawson is but one example of how an individual can make changes in their life, by simply participating in the technology of Accelerated Change. Through her very focused five-week Healthy Mind Healthy Heart Program, she has achieved the benefits of increased relaxation, better sleep, and overall well-being. But don’t take our word for it, read what she has to say:
Hi, my name is L.J. I chose to take Inergy Mind Spa Centers’ Healthy Mind Healthy Heart program because of where I was at in my life. I had recently left a rewarding career and before transitioning into a new position, wanted to take advantage of my free time and do something for me – improve my overall wellbeing and learn the skills to better manage my stress and live a more balanced life. I was already on the road to an improved and healthy lifestyle, since I had already quit smoking and lost 40 pounds, two very significant changes for me. It made sense for me to continue my wellness journey, and that journey led me to Inergy. What I learned in the program and through the Mind Spa sessions fit perfectly with my wellness goals. I have always been a typical Type A person, very high energy with everything planned and scheduled to the minute, I had very little patience for things that impacted my schedule. Since starting my program I find myself more relaxed and take things in stride. Not only do I sleep more soundly, I am getting to sleep faster. What a difference! I’ve also gained a greater self-awareness, in that I’m more conscious of the choices I make, no matter how small or how big the choice may be. I pay more attention to my thinking and am more in tune with my emotions and feelings. The best thing I enjoy about the Mind Spa is that I know it’s a place I can go if I know I’m having a challenging day. It’s a solution for clearing the mind and getting relaxed and recharged. I am now ready to go back to work and will be making the Inergy Mind Spa a part of my everyday lifestyle. Thanks, Inergy!
Laura Jane (L.J.) Lawson
Kamloops, BC