Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Chelsy Meyer - Mind Spa Member

"I have learned so much by coming to the Inergy Mind Spa regularly. I have the ability to just let things go. I also feel like I've gained the tools I need to live a happier life."
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Chelsy Meyer of Kamloops, BC has been through a lot in her life. Having grown up under extremely challenging circumstances, Chelsy suffers from anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Having seen her share of medical professionals and taken her share of medication, Chelsy was seeking an alternative solution. She found it at Inergy. Read her amazing story:
When I came to Inergy I was feeling overcrowded and my anxiety was running me over. I was drawn to Inergy when I happened to notice the center while I was walking through the mall. After learning a little bit more, I figured I had to try it out. When I came for my free evaluation, I admit, I did have some fears… “What were they going to make me do… are they going to make me squawk like a chicken?” Although I had these silly thoughts, I knew deep down inside that that’s not what they were all about. I had nothing to lose, so I started my membership as a Mind Spa member. From my very first session, I couldn’t believe it. I was amazed at how peaceful and relaxing the session was. I responded extremely well to it. That same night, my thoughts had calmed. I had never experienced such a relaxing and peaceful response in my life. I have learned so much by coming to the Inergy Mind Spa regularly. I have the ability to just let things go. I also feel like I’ve gained the tools I need to live a happier life. I know that I can just close my eyes and use the breathing techniques that I have learned. One side benefit I have gained from the Mind Spa is that I sleep more solidly. I used to wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares or I would have so much anxiety about not being able to sleep. In fact, my anxiety used to control my life. Now, I am actually able to control my thoughts, by using positive images and self talk. In a sense, I’m now creating my own dreams instead of living a nightmare. I used to think that the way I was, was as good as it was going to get… “That’s just the way I am… that’s the way my parents were,” was the type of thinking I had. I no longer think this way and know that I am capable of much more. My confidence has soared so much that I’ve even been able to take on more with my job without feeling overwhelmed. I have changed my self-image in such a positive and safe way. I finally accept me for me, whereas before I was always searching for others to accept me. I praise what Inergy does. Thank you!
Chelsy Meyer
Kamloops, BC