Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Steve Jeffery - StressLess Living
"I began to experience that inner calmness again, to have a slower pace to my life, and the ability to not let things bother me and have more positive energy."
As a locomotive engineer, Steve Jeffery, of Kamloops, BC leads a demanding and stressful lifestyle. He had so much built up stress that it was beginning to affect his physical being. Like many of us, that inner calmness that he once had was missing… for Steve that feeling was a fleeting memory. Read how he got it back:
For 32 years, I have worked as a locomotive engineer, a profession that demands my time and attention on a 24/7 schedule. The hours of work are probably the most stressful for me, not to mention the unpredictable nature of my job – from mechanical breakdowns, to stoppages on line for maintenance, and unexpected work en route. It was over these years that I had accumulated a great deal of stress and it was beginning to affect my body physically. I wanted it to stop… to feel that inner calmness that I once had and remembered. I was always an active and healthy person, so I would often turn to exercise to help with the stress, but I was finding that wasn’t enough anymore. So, I came to Inergy and started my 9-week StressLess Living program. One of the first things I noticed was that I was able to stop the stress by listening to my CD’s. What followed, were days of calmness and enjoyment, which gave me signs that something was working. I began to experience that inner calmness again, to have a slower pace to my life, and the ability to not let things bother me and have more positive energy. What I like the most about what I learned at Inergy is being able to dissipate my anger and just let go. Now I find myself going about my daily activities with an overall positive attitude — whistling while I work, so to speak, and having a general feeling that not much will bother me today. My co-workers have even commented that I don’t get fired up like I used to when things go wrong and that I’m a lot less stressed out. And, while my wife hasn’t mentioned anything yet, I know that she can tell there’s a positive difference. It feels so good to slay my personal dragons and get the job done that I wanted. I don’t think anything will ever bother me the way it used to. I’m looking forward to having a much calmer attitude through my upcoming retirement. Would I recommend Inergy? Well, let’s just say that I’d like to see Inergy’s programs available to as many people as possible!
Steve Jeffery
Kamloops, BC