Inergy Mind Spa Centers Testimonials
Joel Horner - Restrain the Pain
"I'm stronger, more rested and walk faster than I have for years. My sense of balance, which many people take for granted, is vastly improving."
This is an amazing story of hope. Joel Horner is a gentle man who was told by his doctor that, “there is no indication for therapy or further investigation of a probable spinocerebellar degeneration.” Abandoned since 1990 by the medical system, Joel came to us believing that health starts in the mind and that he needed to restore a healthy attitude first. Then the rest would follow. Read what this amazing man has to say:
Hello, my name is Joel Horner from Knutsford, BC. Since 1990, I have seen my body and my life deteriorate due to an inconclusively diagnosed neurological disease. For years, I have tried various therapies and products attempting to restore neurological communication to my legs and hips. Soon, I was forced to leave the workforce and my sense of balance began to worsen. The potential of becoming wheelchair bound was slowly creeping up on me. Then one day, I read an ad in the paper and saw a TV commercial with testimonials from people who had success with Inergy. So, I picked up the phone and cautiously booked an appointment for a free evaluation.
Now, after 9 weeks of participating in the Restrain the Pain program I have seen definite improvements to my health and my wellbeing. I’m stronger, more rested and walk faster than I have for years. My sense of balance, which many people take for granted, is vastly improving. As a matter of fact, I know my body is healing because I’ve gotten rid of a recent cold faster than ever before. What would have plagued me for weeks was gone in 3 days. But what’s the most important improvement I’ve made? It’s the fact that my sense of hope has genuinely grown. I’m more positive. The cloud of negativity that hung over my head when I came to the evaluation is now gone – forever. Now that others comment on my newfound positive nature, I confidently recommend them to Inergy. Thank you Inergy for the genuine caring service you’ve given me and for the hope you’ve empowered me to create. At the rate it’s going, I’ll soon be reading the employment ads.
Joel Horner
Knutsford, BC